Dear Diary

Happy to Pass it On

I don’t know about you, but personally I love cleaning out my space, and donating whatever I possibly can, whenever I possibly can. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not too bad when it comes to consumption (I tend to keep items for years and years, and limit what I buy), but I always like to go through my life every couple of months and pass on some of my under-loved items. Nothing deserves to sit in a cupboard for months on end, or remain forgotten at the back of a closet, so if I find I’m not enjoying something often enough I’ll pass it on to a friend, or take it down to my local Value Village.

I probably sound like just about every single other 20-something urban resident right now, but I don’t care- I love Value Village. There’s something so exciting about combing the racks for a cute vintage dress, or sifting through the decor section in search of a unicorn figurine. I remember the first time I went thrifting in Vancouver as a teenager, how cool I felt for buying something recycled instead of contributing to yet more consumerism (to my mother’s horror!).


The best part about thrifting, though, is the story-telling element. I love to imagine where things came from whenever I’m on the hunt. Who brought them there, and why? Where has this particular item been, and where will it end up next? The secret narrative behind each item is one of the biggest draws for me when it comes to thrifting, and I never tire of dreaming up stories for the treasures that I take home.

In the spirit of passing it on, I’m going to be sharing some of the items I’ve recently decided to donate. Each one holds a special place in my heart, but I know someone else will probably give them more love than I have lately. You can follow along on my Instagram account if you like, or take a look below at some of my favourites!


WORN Fashion Journal // I worked at WORN for so many years, and though the magazine is no longer in production, it still has so much meaning to me in so many ways. WORN helped shape me as a writer, and taught me so much about the world of independent publishing. Over the years I acquired quite a few copies of each issue I contributed to, and I love the idea of dropping off some of my extras at Value Village for someone else to discover, take home, and flip through.


Sweet Sounds // This one is really tough for me, but I know it makes sense. Now that I have all of my music on my computer, phone, and iPod, it doesn’t really make sense to keep the hard copies around anymore, does it? I’m definitely going to hold onto a few favourites in case iTunes disappears someday, or I buy myself a beat up old car (which is very possible), but I’m thinking a clean out is definitely due.


Oh Deer // This little deer print dress was so sweet to me for a season, but it somehow ended up in the dryer and instantly became much too short to cover my behind. Hopefully it finds its way into the closet of someone a little bit smaller than me who will love it equally as much as I once did.



Value Village is more than your favourite thrift store- they also support nonprofit organizations like Canadian Diabetes Association and Developmental Disabilities Association, among others, in your community. Remember to donate your reusable items to local nonprofits at Value Village! In addition to supporting the nonprofit, you’ll also be helping planet Earth. Value Village, Good n’ Thrifty!
Learn more:


Disclosure: This post was brought to you by Value Village via Mode Media Canada. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Value Village.

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