Dress Up

We are so lucky to live right across the street from CONVEY, and every time they get a new delivery we are in there like syrup on pancakes! Usually we walk, but when they let us know Double Trouble had arrived, we practically ran.

Embroidered with cute sayings like “Heartbreaker” and “Tell Me About it Stud”, this line of powder-coloured basics has really become an instant staple in our closets. There’s something so simple and convenient about going back to basics, and we’re so thankful to CONVEY for introducing us to this mega-cute British line!

In the spirit of twinning (our favourite thing lately), Jo and I channelled the Pink Ladies for this mini Double Trouble outfit shoot. I paired my tee with 3×1 white denim, and CONVEY’s beautiful collaboration leather jacket with Namesake. Jo opted for a dressed down look with vintage denim cut offs, a pink pleather jacket by local brand Jon + Jenn. We both topped it all off with Sonix sunnies from beautiful Los Angeles, and red heart lollies of course!











Jeans, Leather jacket, Jo’s pink loafers and Double Trouble tees all from CONVEY, Pink jacket via John + Jenn, Sunnies via Sonix