Oh so Pretty

Almost everyone I’ve spoken to agrees 2016 was a garbage year, and I’m honestly so excited to kick off a fresh new set of 365 days. True, it’s been the New Year for a few days now, but since I decided to get a head start on my life makeover (which you can read about here) I decided to take a little break before getting into the superficial stuff. Like hair.

A new year almost always means a new look for me, so I started with my hair. As I mentioned, I’m taking a break from bleaching, but that doesn’t mean I can’t keep having fun with my locks! I headed back to Jaymi at Good Day Hairshop for a whole wack of highlights and dreamy golden colour to prep for my adventures in LA. Outfit-wise I scooped up the COOLEST Sunday Somewhere sunglasses from the new Her Majesty’s Pleasure Boutique, the perfect forest green jumbo tote from The Stowe and some incredible new essentials from (yes, a was an essential!)

I’ve also been big into building up my tattoo collection over the past month, thanks to the help of the oh so talented Alex Royce Tattoo. This guy seriously makes stick n’ pokes so painless you could take a nap, and I can’t stop going back! In the span of two weeks I got an orca whale (my all-time favourite animal), a gem, and a pearl in an oyster. I couldn’t love them more.

And finally, speaking of love and tattoos, have you noticed my brows lately?! I had the absolute pleasure of connecting with Nicole of BrowsxBianca, and after two appointments she had microbladed me to my best brow dreams. I’m not going to lie – it HURT, like a lot, but not having to draw in my brows every day has been well worth two hours of discomfort, and I couldn’t be happier with the improvement.

Interested in trying microblading but always thought it was too expensive? Nicole and I have a little surprise for you guys! Simply mention you heard about her from me and you’ll get 25% OFF from now until February 15th! How’s that for a great kick off to 2017 and say goodbye to 2016?

Scroll down to shop the post!









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Oh so Pretty

When two of my favourite things, pink and gold intercept, you know there’s going to be a love that lasts a lifetime. I have been swooning over rose gold everything for years, and though I’ve tried, I never quite perfected the colour on my mane – until now!

Some of you may have noticed my hair has been getting darker and darker lately, a decision I’ve made in light of the ridiculous amount of breakage and damage bleaching for 10 years straight has caused. I just want to give my hair a little break, you know? So, I consulted with Jaymi at Good Day Hair (aka pastel goddess of the world) and together we came up with a multi-step plan to get my hair back to a healthy state, without losing my pastel.



First we needed to break up the root line Jaymi added a bit of darker colour about halfway down my hair to an ombre affect, then highlighted throughout to create a more natural blonde. In all honestly, she did an amazing job, but I just didn’t feel like me without the pastel! So a few weeks later I headed back to Good Day and we came up with this masterpiece- a peachy rose gold ombre that didn’t involve any bleaching at all! Only colour deposits!




I’m so over the moon with the results – it’s the perfect middle ground until I can bleach again. For the next little while we’ll just be highlighting and adding fun colours on top, and if this attempt is any indication, it’s going to be AWESOME!

Thanks again to my girl Jaymi and Good Day Hair Shop!

Oh so Pretty

It’s the most wonderful time of the month! No, not that “time of the month”- I’m talking about hair appointment time! It’s always a bit of a challenge to decide what I want to try next with how many different colours my hair has been over the past five years, but this time I’ve known what shade I want for weeks.

I call it milky pink peach pastel sunset (Yes, that’s totally a thing), or “flamingo hair” for short.

I’ve never really accomplished a truly perfect peach on my own at home, so when my pals at Good Day Hair Shop in Kensington Market invited me in for a date with their dreamy colourist Jaymi I jumped at the chance to do something different. If you haven’t seen Jaymi’s colour work yet, check it out immediately: @kaleidoscopejaymi. This lady is seriously a pastel hair goddess, and I couldn’t wait to meet her irl.

True to her online awesomeness, Jaymi was a bubbly babe with the prettiest rosy coral locks. We immediately got to work with the usual bleaching and toning, and then the fun started. Jaymi described my idea as “putting a flamingo in a blender”, and though it sounds rather violent she definitely got my vision. She covered my whole head with a peach toner, then “ribboned” a touch of hot pink through the bottom while my head was in the sink. She even made me a take home hair mask tinted with peach so I can keep my colour fresh- what a peach!

The end result is, well… see for yourself! I basically transformed from a sad grey pigeon to a vacation-ready flamingo, and I can’t wait to flaunt my new feathers!










Ready to take the pastel hair plunge? I highly recommend Jaymi at Good Day Hair Shop!

Oh so Pretty

I pride myself on being a bit of a pastel hair expert, mostly as a result of using myself and my friends as guinea pigs over the years. I’m a total control freak, which means I’d rather mess up my own hair 15 times than let someone else mess it up for me, which is why in the past I’ve ended up with yellow bangs and green stained hair that refuses to go away.

Thank goodness there’s a new pastel pro in town that I actually trust.

Good Day Hair Shop is a brand new salon with a neat take on hair, style, and everything in-between. Basically they seek inspiration from digital channels like Tumblr and Instagram, using real life examples of cool folks to create looks in the salon. Located in Kensington Market, they offer great pricing, a fun laid back atmosphere, and they also have their own handmade, cruelty-free product line called “Unicorn Soft” shampoo and conditioner, and it legit smells like creamsicle (full review coming soon!)

I stopped into Good Day for an appointment with Gosia, one of the pink-haired stylists (almost everyone that works there has magical pastel hair btw), and left with the most incredible silvery grey to lavender Ombré bob you ever did see. I’m already dreaming up what we can do together next time I visit!




