Ainsley and I have known one another since high school in North Vancouver believe it or not, and I’ve loved watching her incredible career in photography blow up over the years. I’ve been eagerly waiting for a chance to collaborate on a shoot of some sort with her, so when she messaged me asking if I’d be up to work together during a short visit to Toronto a few months ago I jumped at the chance right away.
Ainsley specializes in bridal, but because I was fresh out of a really hard breakup and we didn’t have much time to put together a massive shoot, I suggested we go for something a little more stripped down. We agreed to get together in Paige from Bicyclette’s bedroom, dress up in favourites by For Love and Lemons from the shop, and shoot a bit of boudoir!
I’ve never done anything like this before, but at the time my confidence was at an all-time low, and I figured, why not prance around in my most beautiful underwear and feel good about myself? Seriously, though it was pretty nerve wracking at first, but I strongly believe every single person should try a shoot like this at least once in their lifetime. It was so inspiring and confidence-boosting to work with Ainsley (she’s both the nicest and babeliest girl you’ll ever meet), and the best part was I went into it knowing I was taking these photos just for me, not for a partner or admirer. It was liberating, exciting, and just so much fun!

I already can’t wait to see what we come up with next time we find ourselves in the same city!
All photos by Ainsley Rose Photography. To book your own boudoir shoot you can reach Ainsley through this contact form.