Get Creative

If you’re old enough to remember the amazing infomercials that used to run on T.V. featuring the Bedazzler, you’ll remember it was a pretty special time where making things sparkly was truly celebrated. “Don’t be dull, be dazzling!” the commercials urged, promising the machine was as easy to use as a stapler, but for gems and crystals!

On one of my first visits to Studio B Paige suggested we try doing a project with her never-before-used Bedazzler, and my mind immediately went back to those infomercials from so many years ago. We were both excited to test it out in the beginning, but as time went by, the idea slipped- we weren’t actually too sure how to use the machine after all, and it seemed really daunting every time we skimmed over the instructions.

After months of dodging the challenge, we came up with the perfect simple (yet dazzling) DIY project to test our skills on: sparkle socks! We picked out some powdery, medium weight pastel socks from a local shop, some iridescent crystals, and finally got our Bedazzle on!

scroll down for all the sparkly details!











You’ll Need //

A Bedazzler
Gold fasteners
Crystals (they should match the size of the fasteners)
Medium weight socks

Directions //

As long as you have the right head on your Bedazzler arm, using it is actually pretty simple once you get used to the steps. Essentially, you load the gold fastener into the arm, put the crystal in the little silver dish face down, and press the machine down like a stapler with the fabric in-between. You really don’t need a lot of force, and even if everything isn’t perfectly in place it’s pretty foolproof to get your jewel on there!

The results? Some magically made over socks to pair with all of your favourite footwear! Your ankles can thank us later.
