Party Time

It’s hard to sum up all the feelings we have about the social media workshop in one little post, but I’m going to do my best.

When the day started, Paige and I were both pretty nervous. I mean, would anyone care what we had to say? Would all our hard work be worth it? But as attendees started pouring in, it quickly became clear that it was going to be a magical morning. Bloggers, business owners, bakers, photographers, and all sorts of other amazing women all squeezed into the studio, and the energy was practically glittering in the air. By the time we finished our presentation, we were almost half an hour overtime, and everyone could barely contain their excitement (including us!) We all stood around afterward eating Desmond & Beatrice coconut cupcakes, Kitten and The Bear scones and jam and shared our hopes, dreams, and plans (oh, and taking some pretty adorable photobooth pics- coming soon!) It felt like we’d created a little bubble of talented creative women at Studio B, and we’re so excited to watch everyone who attended progress and grow.

Overall, our first workshop was a huge success, and we’re so incredibly grateful to all of our lovely attendees and talented sponsors. We’re excited to announce well be hosting more workshops in the near future, and we can’t wait to build on this idea and share what’s next with all of you very soon!













Photos: Brianne Burnell