Dear Diary

One Gift Guide to End Them All

I generally consider myself a gifting queen: I mean, not to brag, but I’m really good at taking notes all year round and scooping up the least expected surprises for the people I’m closest to.

But sometimes, with those we don’t know too well or those we don’t spend enough shopping time with (hi Grandpa!) we need a little bit of help. Chatelaine’s help!

It’s so impressive to me, a natural born elf, that Chatelaine was able to put such an extensive directory together. They’ve got everyone from your great uncle bob to the neighbour’s cat covered, and it’s really a total treat to shop through. Hostess gifts, book lover’s gifts, even gifts for the person with everything (aka me) can be found online and within the pages of the December issue, and it’s a seemingly endless treasure trove of good gifting.






My favourite section is “20 unique gifts for the person who has everything” – what’s yours?!

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