Get Creative

As you’re all already aware I am useless when it comes to crafting, so Johanna took the lead on this amazing DIY plant hanger project! Here are her thoughts:

We dreamed up the idea for this DIY while spending many sunny mornings at Kitten and the Bear. They have the most beautiful chandelier hanging in their window and its many prisms cause rainbows to shoot across the tea room in every direction daily. As professional pastel hunters and magic makers this is the kind of everyday magic that we live for (we even track the rainbows we find from prisms with the tag #rainbowsinthewild!)

With a simple search we realized purchasing chandelier prisms is both super easy and affordable, so obviously we ordered a whole bunch and started brainstorming what we could use them for. On a trip to Mokuba, one of our favourite craft supply stores, we found the prettiest pastel cotton rope in every colour of the rainbow, and the rest is history!

Follow the steps below to infuse you’re own plant hanger with a little bit of prism magic.



What you’ll need //

8 metres of two different coloured cotton rope (we used pink and gold)
Sewing Needles
Sewing Thread
A plant pot

Instructions //


1. Take each length of 8 metre rope and cut it in half – you should end up with 4 strands, gather these strands and fold in half in the middle – now you should have a handful of 8 strands, 4 of each colour. Tie a knot 3 inches down from your fold and cut the fold open.

This knot acts as the bottom or base of your plant hanger, the bottom of the pot will rest ontop of it.


2. Now take your 8 strands and group them into two’s, one pink – one gold. You should have 4 “arms”



3. About 3 inches from your base knot tie 4 separate knots, each knot is made up of one gold and one pink strand



4. Now use your plant pot to gauge where you should tie your next set of knots. Grab one pink from one arm and one fold from it’s neighbouring arm and tie them together the same way you did in step 3. Go around and do this to all the arms.


You should end up with something that looks like this:


5. Once your pot securely fits inside the hanger you can move on – the bigger the pot the more knots you’ll need, the smaller the pot the closer together the knots will have to be.


6. The next step requires a new type of knot you may remember from making friendship bracelets, a Chinese Staircase knot.


7. Choose one of the colours (we used gold) and tie 10 Chinese Staircase style knots up the arms, continue on all 4 arms.

8. Gather all 4 arms and about 2 feet up from your Staircase knots, tie together in one big knot.

9. Now your ready to create the hanging loop! Divide the remaining rope coming from the large knot in two. Take the longest piece from each grouping (ours will be pink since we used the gold to make the staircase) and tie 6 Chinese Staircase knots on each side.



10. To finish it off use your longest piece of rope that remains to make a Wrapped Knot, pull very tightly and trim off excess!


Now you’ve made your very own Pastel Plant Hanger! We turned ours into a Prismatic rainbow maker by sewing in spare chandelier prisms!





A special thanks to our friends at Mokuba for the pretty pastel rope.
You can shop chandelier prisms on !

Sips, Sweets & Snacks

One of the best things about moving in with Johanna last fall was gaining access to her massive collection of gorgeous gems and crystals. A drawing and painting grad from OCAD, Jo makes the most incredibly intricate gem paintings (check out her Etsy shop here), and there is no shortage of “models” in her collection. Together we created a little “magic garden” by the window, and it’s a constant source of positivity and inspiration in our home.

The idea to make crystal themed cocktails first drifted into our heads when we spotted The Cocktail Emporium’s faceted gem-like glassware. As soon as we had delivered our new set safely home the creative wheels started turning, and in the end this hazy purple tea-infused magic potion is what we brewed up. Don’t worry- no cauldron required!

Before we dive into the recipe, here’s a few words from team RAOP’s resident crystal expert, Johanna:

“Let me start by saying I don’t believe in magic. Shocking, I know since my job here at RAOP consists almost entirely of chasing it around, documenting it in its various pastel forms & sharing it. It’s not to say I don’t think magic is real, but to me magic is rooted in science and the all wonders happening around us every day. I first became obsessed with gemstones and minerals after taking a course at OCADU called The Science of Colour. Since then I’ve started collecting specimens large and small, I have countless books about rocks of all sorts, and my entire wall is covered in drawings and paintings of them!

The idea of microscopic defects in the crystal structure of a quartz resulting in a rainbow of shapes and colours, each unique to the next, or the process of a simple quartz undergoing years of irradiation to become a beautiful Amethyst in all its purple glory – these things seem much more magical to me than spells & potions- that being said, here is our very own version of a magic potion inspired by my favourite natural wonder”

Scroll down for recipe









Ingredients //

David’s Tea Grape Freeze Green Tea
Chambord liqueur
Thirsty Whale’s Blueberry Lavender Shrub cocktail mix
Rock Candy garnish
Sugar crystal rim

Recipe //

Yields one 6oz glass.

Make a tea concentrate by steeping 3 teaspoons of Grape Freeze green tea in 4 oz boiling water for 2-3 mins, let cool.

Pour some sugar crystals into a small dish, use a citrus wedge to rim each glass.

In a cocktail shaker add 1 oz Chambord, 1 oz Gin, about a teaspoon Lavender Blueberry syrup, and the cooled tea concentrate. Shake until combined and pour over ice!

Garnish with a stick of rock candy.





Glassware from BYOB Cocktail Emporium