Dress Up

Whether you want it or not, Fall is on the way. I know, it’s sad to think of saying goodbye to the the sunshine, but I can’t help but feel semi-excited about pumpkin spice treats, hot tea, and Fall fashion!

Oh Fall fashion, you perfect amazing wardrobe transforming force. The scarves! The boots! The jackets! I’ve ranted again and again about how I despise the cold, but even I will admit that those few precious weeks of real, crisp Fall weather are total heaven. There’s nothing quite like the crunch of Autumn leaves under your loafers, or taking a new pair of wool tights out of the package to pair with your favourite long sleeve dress. Fall has always been a transformative time for me style-wise (I loved having a new look for the new school year), but one item that has remained steadfast every year since I was 16 years old was the trench coat.

As embarrassing as it is, I fell in love with Breakfast at Tiffany’s by way of Gossip Girl the summer I turned 16. Not the Gossip Girl TV show, that was much later, but the actual books! Blair loved Breakfast at Tiffany’s, so I loved Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and though my love affair with Gossip Girl faded shortly after, my love for Audrey Hepburn and her nameless cat never faltered. Anyway, that Fall way back when I saved up my back to school shopping budget and splurged on a classic beige trench from Aritzia. It reminded my of Audrey with her classic elegance, and I lived in it that Autumn (well actually, every single one after until the coat literally disintegrated.)

Seriously, it basically broke down into threads and pieces of fabric, but in all fairness I wore it nonstop for TEN YEARS! I knew I couldn’t stretch it another year, so when I turned 26 this year I went out to Club Monaco (the queen of classic chic) and picked out this perfect peachy number. It was weird to upgrade, but after searching for the perfect replacement for so long it felt like something I needed to do! Paired with platforms and a cute new romper, this outfit actually makes me super excited for Fall. How about you?










Trench and Onesie from Club Monaco, Platform Shoes by Miu Miu, Bag by Kate Spade, Umbrella from American Apparel, Hair clips via Eternally in Amber


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