Dear Diary

So not to get all fitness blog on you all of the sudden or anything, but lately I’ve been working out a lot more than I used to, and it feels so good! Last weekend was the Nike Women’s 15k here in Toronto, and though I’d been training for months I immediately felt horribly nervous when Monday rolled around. What if I got sick? What if I didn’t have it in me? What if all that work turned out to be for nothing? My heart was racing all week long.

In the end, I had one of the best weekends of my life. Nike was kind enough to host me and some of the other blogger types at the Trump Hotel, and they planned some fun activities for us like a brunch with Olympians, a speed run, and a shake out the day before the race. By the time I stood at the start line in the pouring rain, I was so excited and pumped up that I almost physically couldn’t wait to get going!

With dear friends by my side, we pushed our pace and stayed together as a group almost the whole way. The race itself was decked out with inspiring sayings, gospel singers, and even a runway with planes taking off! It was crazy inspiring, and as you can see in the pictures I pretty much had a smile stuck on my face from start to finish (there is a scary intense photo from the final stretch on the website, but I decided to leave that one out for obvious reasons).

My only issue? Deciding what challenge to take on next!



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Sips, Sweets & Snacks

I consider myself so lucky to be surrounded by such a loving, inspiring community here in Toronto, and sometimes those connections lead to special connections elsewhere too. I was introduced to Ashley through a mutual veggie loving friend, and though we’ve never met in person (fingers crossed for this summer!) we have a great collaborative online relationship, and often turn to one another for blogging advice and anti-animal cruelty solidarity.

Ashley’s site Rae of Sunshine is one of my absolute favourite places to find meal inspiration every week, and her creativity in the kitchen never ceases to amaze me. Her dedication to healthy living and a balanced vegan diet is so swoon-worthy, and it really helps me get my act together when it comes to being lazy with cooking. When Ashley asked me a few weeks ago if I’d be interested in taking a look at her new E-Book “Start With Smoothies”, I immediately took out my blender, drew up a grocery list, and got my mix on!





A simple, beautifully designed e-book, Start With Smoothies contains seven delicious smoothie recipes, and each and every one is sure to put a spring in your step morning after morning. Being the sun-lover that I am, I was immediately drawn to Ashley’s “Sunshine in A Jar” smoothie, and with my own special twist it has quickly become my go-to on these bright Spring mornings. I call it the “Sunrise in A Jar” because of the pink hue the strawberries add, and here’s how you can make it for yourself:

Ingredients //

2 bananas
2 cups of fresh pineapple (cored and peeled)
1 peeled orange
1.5 cups coconut milk


1 scoop Vega Coconut Almond Protein Powder
1 cup fresh strawberries

Recipe //

Simply blend all of the ingredients together until smooth! I highly recommend doubling the recipe so you can take a jar of sunshine to work with you for later in the day.




A special thanks to Ashley of Rae of Sunshine for letting me share this recipe! Follow her on Instagram for lots of other delicious recipes and healthy eating tips

Dear Diary

When CEDAR Juice initially reached out to ask me if I was interested in trying a juice cleanse a few weeks back, my first instinct was to immediately say no, the same way I immediately scoff at the suggestion I order a salad when dining out. “I’m not a juice cleanse girl”, I thought to myself, “why would I ever put myself and my body through that?”

But then doubt crept in. What if I was really missing out? I mean, I do love fresh juice, so what’s to say I wouldn’t love a juice cleanse? Plus, CEDAR seemed like a really great local, all-organic company, and I couldn’t help but feel tempted by their product descriptions and ingredient lists (especially Pineapple Head, a blend of pineapple, pear, and mint!)

So, I decided to try out the three-day plan, but not without making a few alterations to the program first. I decided I would continue to eat, but only the cleanest food I could find (mostly raw vegetables… and sushi). For someone who likes to eat as much as I do, it didn’t really make much sense to ingest nothing but liquids, and as soon as I gave myself permission to bend the juice cleanse rules I instantly felt less intimidated by the whole thing.

Though I can’t say I in any way excelled at cleansing, here are some of my favourite takeaways from the whole experience:

1 // I’m REALLY addicted to sugar. Within the first few hours I was having insane cravings for cookies, ice cream, Easter cream eggs… basically if it was awful for me, I wanted it. While I’m totally happy to indulge once and awhile, I definitely think my sweets habit has gotten a bit out of hand, and the cleanse really helped me see just how much I needed to work on it.

2 // I don’t get nearly enough nutrients in my daily diet. This is something I’ve worried about for awhile now, but it was actually shocking to feel the difference when I was throwing back juices packed with healthy nutritional ingredients all day every day. Though I wasn’t consuming any caffeine or sugar I felt more energetic than I have in months, and it was a really nice.

3 // I really don’t like beet juice. At all. But I’m working on it!

4 // Drinking more liquids is never a bad thing. I used to drink a ton of water everyday, and my skin was always so clear, but lately I’ve been majorly slacking. The cleanse really helped me remember how great it felt to be hyper-hydrated.

5 // I need to give my body a lot more care and attention. When I was fully vegan, I was so careful about everything I ate, always checking labels and googling ingredients, but these days all of my old tricks have been slipping thanks so a combination of being way too busy all the time, and not prioritizing my health. Moving forward, I’m going to give my body and mind what it needs: more sleep. less sugar, daily vitamins, early morning dog walks, and extra doses of fun whenever possible!

What do you think about juice cleansing? Let me know in the comments!

Interested in trying your own CEDAR juice cleanse? Enter the promo code “randomactsofpastel” at the checkout to receive 10% off on 3 or 5-day cleanses until March 14th (after which it will drop to 5%)




*Note: Some or all of the items featured in this post were given to me as a gift from the maker, but I only write about products I genuinely adore, I promise!*