Sips, Sweets & Snacks

The season for ice cream is still in full swing, and though there’s nothing wrong with a couple of scoops in a pretty sundae dish, we all know the best way to eat ice cream is atop a sweet cone! With that in mind, we decided to dress up a few cones nice and fancy for our recent Disco Ice Cream Social photo shoot, and we loved the results so much that we thought we may as well share the recipe!

Ingredients //

Sugar cones
Belgian white chocolate
Rainbow sprinkles





Instructions //

1 // Line a baking tray with parchment paper and pour your sprinkles into a shallow dish or two. Set aside.

2 // Add about 1-inch of water to a double boiler (or a saucepan with a metal bowl nestled atop). Heat over medium-low heat, slowly stirring the chocolate so it melts into a smooth consistency. White chocolate has a lower melting point, so it can seize easily.

3 // Dip the edge of the cones in the melted white chocolate, then lightly dust with sprinkles while the chocolate is still melted.

4 // Place the cones upside down on the paper-lined tray, and place them in the fridge, allowing the chocolate to set for at least 15-20 minutes.







That’s it! The only question left? Two scoops or three!?

Photos by Paige of Bicylette. Content originally published on Hooray Magazine’s blog!

Sips, Sweets & Snacks

It’s no secret that I’m not exactly a health nut- I mean, if we’re being honest I probably consume more sugar than anyone really ever should on a daily basis! That being said, I try to eat as consciously as I can, and that means balancing my sugar fixes out with green juice and veggies, getting lots of exercise, and making vegan choices whenever I possibly can.

Peppermint patties are one of my all-time favourite treats, but even a junk foodie like me can admit the ingredient list on the pre-packaged version at the store is a little bit unnerving. Over the Christmas holidays I didn’t have too much time to bake, but on Christmas Eve days launched myself into a marathon of sorts, determined to bake a mountain of cookies and a few other special delights to bring to Christmas dinner that night. Though I had no idea what I was doing, I became determined to make the perfect simple vegan peppermint patties, and by some form of Christmas magic, my experiment actually worked!

Ingredients //

3 cups icing sugar
2 tbsp. whipped Earth Balance (softened)
2 tsp. organic peppermint extract
2 tbsp. Silk original soy creamer for coffee
1 cup vegan chocolate chips
2 tbsp. coconut oil


Directions //

1. Beat 2 cups of icing sugar, butter, peppermint and cream in a bowl until the mixture forms a light, creamy paste. The candy should not be sticky, so once all ingredients are blended together continue adding icing sugar (a cup or more) until the paste thickens into a Play-Doh-like consistency.

2. Roll the peppermint paste into a log, wrap it in plastic wrap, and place it in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes to harden slightly. While it’s cooling, start melting your chocolate.

3. Using a double boiler, melt the coconut oil and chocolate chips together. This combination will create a sort of vegan “magic shell” that will harden very quickly once it hits the cold peppermint filling.

4. Take the peppermint log out of the freezer and cut it into disk-like pieces. Dip each piece on the chocolate, and set down on a piece of cold marble or parchment paper. Decorate with sprinkles or whatever else suits your fancy while the chocolate is still wet, then place the patties back in the freezer to cool and harden a second time.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks and enjoy frequently!

Get Creative


You lovelies may not know this, but I recently started my own little Society6 shop! Filled with confetti, sprinkles and mint seashells, you can order just about anything you desire from Society6. This awesome company has helped me turn all my pastel dreams into pillows, shower curtains, clocks, and more, and I couldn’t be more excited about it!

I’ve already ordered a few items for myself and so far I’m really impressed by the quality (especially the pillows!), but I’m going to order some new products in the near future too to “test” out. It’s just quality control, right? Stay tuned for photos!


