I'll Follow You Anywhere

The Madonna Inn

When Paige and I were figuring out everything we needed to see during our trip to LA, there were a ton of options on the table, and we honestly didn’t know how we’d make it everywhere we hoped to go. In the end, we had to cut a few of our picks, but the Madonna Inn was never even up for debate.

The Madonna Inn was built in the late ’50s on the Central Coast of California, and has been turning heads and attracting pink lovers ever since. Quirky and strange, this legendary hotel has a massive hot pink and gold steakhouse, famous pink champagne cake, a blue and pink tennis court, and all sorts of crazy themed rooms. The creator, Alex Madonna, was once quoted as saying, “Anybody can build one room and a thousand like it. It’s more economical. Most places try to give you as little as possible. I try to give people a decent place to stay where they receive more than they are entitled to for what they’re paying. I want people to come in with a smile and leave with a smile. It’s fun.” And fun it was!

Our tight schedule made it impossible for us to stay the night at the Madonna Inn this time unfortunately, but we were able to play dress up in new clothing from the shop and stage a mini photo shoot before dinner. We sniffed the famous pink roses, sipped creamy pink cocktails, and briefly contemplated running away with a pink golf cart and driving off into the sunset. It was an evening to remember, and we’ll absolutely be back!




















  • Hey Alyssa, I love these pictures! This inn looks absolutely adorable. I was just wondering what you used to get your hair this color?

    • Hi! It’s always totally different to be honest but right now I’m using a combination of Davines alchemic conditioner with Manic Panic. You can read all about my various techniques here actually: http://www.xovain.com/author/alyssa

  • Alyssa, great photos of the Madonna Inn! I’ve stayed there twice, years ago. I think the 1st time was in the Caveman room! They make the best cakes ever!

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